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01 - Stickers
02 - Yang-Ti gets angry: The sovereign letter
03 - Yang-Ti gets angry: Luoyang
04 - The End
05 - Narrow Road to the Deep North - Episode 1
06 - Harris Impact: Suprising Grand Plan
07 - Harris Impact: Boarding Chapter
08 - Let's go, Omusubi-kun
09 - The Birth of the Magical Girl
10 - Saiyuuki - The end of the journey
11 - I am dead and I scream at the sun
12 - You're a detective Usami-chan ?
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 12
01 - SEAL / SEAL 2
02 - Youdai ikaru kokushohen
03 - Youdai ikaru rakuyouhen
04 - Shuumatsu
05 - Oku no hoshomichi EPISODE I
07 - HARRIS IMPACT norikomihen
08 - Dokkoi omusubi-kun / Kousoku RIDER MACH Ryou
09 - Mahou shoujo tanjou
10 - Saiyuuki~tabi no owari~
11 - Shinda watashi wa taiyou ni hoeru / UNLUCKY FRIENDS
12 - MeitanteiSSUka ! Usami-chan / Meitantei da mono ! Usami-chan